Dressera akvarie fisk...

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  • cri
    • September 2002
    • 700

    Dressera akvarie fisk...

    (Ett gott skratt förlänger livet)
    Training Fish
    I have not done this myself. This advice comes from a posting on the newsgroups by ravinwulf@worldnet.att.net.

    These pages contain my personal experiences with Goldfish. For more info on fish in general, including goldfish please check out this site. http://www.calcna.ab.ca/~prsadlon/train.html

    A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (before I became a stay-at-home mommy), I worked for a zoo training exotics, so I can personally and professionally vouch for this method. It's not particularly complicated; but it'll take some patience on your part. Training anything is an intuitive, "make haste slowly" kind of process... Remember these things: Patience. Train only one thing at a time. Patience. Deliver the reinforcement at exactly the moment the behavior you want occurs, not before, not after. Patience. Raise your standards in very small increments. And, finally, have patience...

    First, you have to establish a conditioned reinforcer. For fish, the flash of a small penlight or laser pointer works well. Flash the light, then give the fish a *small* bit of food, something he *really* likes. (Note: I use one Hikari mini pellet or a *tiny* piece of shrimp (hand fed) when I'm working with my orandas who are fairly large fish.) Remember not to overfeed the fish whilst establishing the reinforcer, though. Repeat over a period of however long it takes (some critters catch on almost immediately, some don't...), until the fish starts looking about for the treat as soon as you flash the light. A conditioned reinforcer (the light) is used because you can deliver it at exactly the correct moment; the timing is much harder to perfect (impossible, really) if you use food directly. Anyway, once he understands that the flash of light means food is on the way, you're ready for phase two...

    Put the ping pong ball in the tank. What you're going to do now is called "shaping"; it involves gradually creating and encouraging the behavior you want to get on cue.

    Watch and wait until the fish swims near the ball, say within 6 inches. It doesn't matter if he's looking at it or not. As soon as the fish gets within your target range, flash the light, then feed. Timing is everything here. You must flash the light as soon as the fish exhibits the behavior you are looking for. Don't be late about it because whatever he's doing when the light goes off, is what he'll give you more of. Poorly timed reinforcement produces poor results. Gradually (again, how long it takes depends on the critter, some will make the connection right away that going near the ball is what's being reinforced, some are a bit denser and will take a little longer to figure it out...) reduce the size of your target area, thus making the fish get closer and closer to be rewarded. Eventually, you will only flash the light when the fish actually touches the ball, then when he touches the ball with his head, and later only when he pushes it a bit... After that you can start rewarding harder, bigger pushes. Progress in tiny increments; don't expect the fish to make too big a jump at once (although he may surprise you...) If he seems stalled, go back a couple of steps...

    When you've got the fish pushing the ball around, add the hoop or cup (put the ball very nearby at this stage) and reward pushes in the right direction (toward the target); while you're teaching this, don't worry about how hard or how far the ball is being pushed, just that it's going in the direction of the target. Only try to train one criteria at a time; you'll put them both together later. Gradually shape the ball going into/though the target, using basically the same process you used to get him closer to the ball in the first place.

    Once the fish is getting the ball into the cup, you can begin moving the ball further away from the cup to start, thus requiring harder pushes again.


    Mvh, cri
  • Ulf P
    • March 2002
    • 1615

    Ja, det roliga i sammanhanget var väl att det handlade om dressyr av en .... guldfisk <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

    Här är en kille som tipsar om dressyr av Oscars: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/4054/fun.html. Helt seriöst alltså. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>


    http://och.nu/ciklid / http://och.nu/hasse


    • FightGravity
      • April 2002
      • 304

      Häftigt, måste testa och se ifall jag kan få mina rödmunstetror att simma på rad <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

      Tompa <img src=extra_smiley_jester.gif border=0 align=middle>


      • nettrax
        • February 2002
        • 790

        Ok, mina Oscars åt ur handen på mig och gillade att bli kliade vid ryggfenan men hallå!!!!!!!!!!!! Fiskdressyr!!!!!!!!!

        Mvh. Ninni
        Förhoppningsvis snart ägare till en röd tabby/vit crx kille


        • cri
          • September 2002
          • 700

          Lovar!!! Jag har inte provat! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>


          Mvh, cri


          • Aqua_Max
            • April 2002
            • 511

            Sedan när man har dresserat sin fisk kan man ta med den när man ska ut och bada, som i videoklippet som jag tidigare hade länkat till i detta meddelande, men som jag nu tagit bort. (För anledning till varför jag tog bort länken, se meddelande längre ned på sidan.)

            ~~~ Max Photo ~~~
            ~~~ Max Photo ~~~


            • cri
              • September 2002
              • 700

              ... försökte titta på videon på siten som Hasse gav och ....fick en info box att ämnet var restricted due to adult content (är på jobbet)... så farligt???

              Mvh, cri


              • Ulf P
                • March 2002
                • 1615

                Heh...bedöm själv, detta är vad står på sidan:

                Fun with your Oscars

                In this section I will explain how to have fun with your Oscars. As if just having them isn't fun enough. Remember Oscars are smart and can learn pretty fast. I was reading an article about Oscars and it said in a study oscars that were given "toys" which I will talk about later, compared to Oscars that lived there life without toys were relativly smarter in brain size and understanding.

                The First thing I will talk about is "Toys" for you Oscars. A great toy and something they will take their aggresion out on instead of each other or the heater etc is a ping pong ball. This will keep your Oscars busy for hours. If you only have one this is a great thing since your Oscar will be by thereself a lot it gives them something to do.

                Rubber Dog toys are also a good choice. Make sure they will float. These come in a variety of choices so you can buy a lot and give your oscar a proper education.

                Use these choices and also use anything else that won't pollute your water, or that you fish can swallow. If you give them a new toy each week it will make them smarter. But this doesn't mean you have to buy them a new toy each week you can if you want, but just buy five or so and alternate them weekly.

                Oscar Tricks

                The bell trick: In this trick when you ring a bell your oscars will swim to the top of the water and know it is feeding time. First you will need a bell or something that makes a noise like a bell. For awhile whenever you feed them ring the bell first and then put in the food. After a week or two when you ring the bell they will know it's feeding time.

                Have your oscar swim through a hoop: First you will need a small hoop or ring that your oscar will be able to fit through. Hold it in the water your oscar should eventuly go up to it and then put his head through a little. When he does ring the bell and give him a treat. Then do it again until he finally goes all the way through. This may take a week or more.

                Pet your oscar: In this trick you will be able to pet your oscar. First you will have to get your oscar used to your hands. Do this buy putting a little food in the tank to get them to the top, then slowy put your hands in the tank and don't make any fast movements. Leave them in there for awhile each day until the oscars start to explore them. Eventuly they will let you touch them. My first pair of oscars I had must have been the best ones I've ever seen. They let me touch them the first time I tried and they used to eat out of my hand like dogs.

                These are the only tricks I know if you know any EMAIL , And I will post them."



                • Ulf P
                  • March 2002
                  • 1615

                  Det kanske är "rubber dog toys" som fastnar i adult-checken...<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>



                  • Mogwai
                    • November 2002
                    • 3021

                    Undras om man kan lära guramis att hoppa genom sånna där brinnande ringar ??? *funderar*...<img src=extra_smilie_Gurami1.gif border=0 align=middle>


                    • zingo_boy
                      • August 2002
                      • 983

                      måste allt va på engelska. inte för ja ä urkass på engelska, tvärtom. jag är bland dom bästa i klassen <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>. men jag orkar inte läsa på engelska. d tar för mej typ 3 ggr längre tid!



                      • Ulf P
                        • March 2002
                        • 1615

                        Ja, det är ju verkligen en skam att inte resten av världen talar o skriver på svenska. Varför ska vi behöva lära oss nåt annat språk?
                        <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_dissapprove.gif border=0 align=middle>


                        • Aqua_Max
                          • April 2002
                          • 511

                          <BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>citat:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>... försökte titta på videon på siten som Hasse gav och ....fick en info box att ämnet var restricted due to adult content (är på jobbet)... så farligt???<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>Du menade nog den video som jag länkade till, inte Hasse.

                          Videon jag länkade till är kanske lite skrämmande i början (det är en parodi på haj skräckfilmer) men jag vill nog ändå påstå att den är barnvänlig och humoristisk. <img src=extra_smiley_propeller.gif border=0 align=middle>

                          Däremot finns det andra videosnuttar på samma webbplats som inte är lämpliga för barn. Språkbruket som används på sidan kan inte heller kallas barnvänligt. Därför är kan det nog rättfärdigas att din arbetsplats har valt att spärra den webbplatsen. Hmmm, det får mig att tänka på att det även finns en hel del barn som besöker zoopet. Jag tänkte inte så långt när jag länkade till videon. <img src=extra_smiley_ashamed.gif border=0 align=middle> Jag har nu raderat länken för säkerhets skull. <img src=extra_smiley_paperbag.gif border=0 align=middle>

                          ~~~ Max Photo ~~~
                          ~~~ Max Photo ~~~


                          • cri
                            • September 2002
                            • 700

                            Förlåt, tog nog fel på person och gömde sätta en smiley face efter min text. De där restricted meddelanden kommer upp ibland på de mest underliga siter. Sökte på Bach flowers (healing/ alternativ) och samma sak hände...
                            Skickar ett stoooooort leende och sätt gärna till baka linken så kan jag se den hemmifrån!

                            Mvh, cri

