Om vikten utav vattenbyte innan medicinering.

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  • cri
    • September 2002
    • 700

    Om vikten utav vattenbyte innan medicinering.

    Dear Goldfish Collector,
    Hope everything is well with you and your goldfish.
    Here's an article of interest about increasing the performance of a treatment.

    Goldfish Care
    The importance of a major water change before treatment
    When you're treating your goldfish aquarium for flukes, lice, anchor worm, bacterial infections or any other goldfish health problem with a water treatment, it's very important that you do a major water change of up to 90%. The main reason for this water change is to increase the oxygen in your goldfish aquarium. Plus, a major water change will decrease the pollutants in your goldfish aquarium. A major water change will also decrease the food for the organisms that cause diseases and reduce any pathogens floating in your goldfish aquarium.
    Rick - 07/11/06

    Thank you for your time,
    Mvh, cri