Slöstjärt utan ena fenan

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  • råttan
    • April 2003
    • 98

    Slöstjärt utan ena fenan

    Hej igår när jag var i en djuraffär såg jag att dom sålde slöjstjärtar som saknade fenan som sitter på ryggen. Dom såg välldigt fula ut och på vissa fanns där en liten bit fena kvar. Dom fiskarna måste dom väl ha klippt av fenan på för den kan väll inte vara frammodlad så eller? Dom hette i allafall något annat konstigt...
    Johan Lundin
  • Nova
    • April 2003
    • 512

    JAG vet inte varför dom inte har nån fena men de kan ju knappast må bra av det eller


    • cri
      • September 2002
      • 700

      Guld fiskar utan rygg fenar tillhör kategorin:



      These are mostly red or calico and carry very short finnage but should have a good "hood" development. There is also no dorsal fin and the back should be absolutely smooth in contour. The lionhead has important differences from the ranchu (see Other Varieties) which is otherwise similar.

      The ranchu is similar to the lionhead but has a much more curved posterior dorsal contour. In the Far East, the ranchu has always been as popular as the lionhead; it is also popular in USA, but is only gradually spreading to Britain.

      These are similar to the fantail but, like the lionhead, have no dorsal fin. The eyes are protruding like the moor's and are "upturned" so that the fish looks towards the sky, hence the name. As for the lionhead, there is no dorsal fin. Celestials are not commonly seen in UK.

      These are also similar to the fantail and, like the lionhead, lack a dorsal fin. Pompons have large, frilly nasal septa which wave about as they swim, hence the name. They too are not commonly seen in Britain.

      Bubble Eye
      Bubble eyes too are similar to the fantail and, like the lionhead, have no dorsal fin. They have large eye sacs looking like a pair of bubbles either side of the head.
      Mvh, cri


      • råttan
        • April 2003
        • 98

        Jag tycker inte att dom här fiskarna ser ut att må särskilt bra.
        Johan Lundin

